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  • Highland Park • FIRE • Edition

    • ${ score.name }${ score.score }
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    HK$ 2,500.00

    Product Info

    Product Code WK-34312

    Product Description

    Limited to only 28,000 bottles globally.

    FIRE Edition 是 Highland Park 前所未有的嘗試,首度創作出100%在波特桶中熟成,風味帶著活力奔放的15年單一麥芽威士忌,其酒精濃度達到45.2%,自然的酒色中略帶紅色、伴隨水果的強烈芳香、淡淡煙燻味,餘韻久久繚繞不散。

    FIRE Edition 是以北歐神話中,統治 Muspelheim 的火焰巨人 Surtr 所命名。特製的深紅色玻璃酒瓶,象徵維京神話中如滾燙熔岩般炙烈的火焰王國。玻璃瓶身上由龍型所圍繞成的精美環型圖案,代表了創造出維京世界的生命之環,象徵著這個世界的生生不息。搭配收藏於量身訂做的黑色山形木製底座,並附有特殊印刷的產品手冊。其內容說明火焰王國的故事,一同探索北歐神話中世界毀滅與重生的歷程。

    The Poetic Edda tells the tale of the apocalyptic battle between the Gods and the Fire and Ice Giants, where the old world perished in a blazing ball of fire and the new world was born from its ashes. Celebrating this re-birth, or Ragnarok, we released 28,000 bottles of FIRE EDITION, encased in specially commissioned crimson glass. Matured in 100% refill Port seasoned casks – a first for Highland Park – the result is a vibrant single malt with the natural hue of glowing flames. Here, damsons, cinnamon, dried fruit and chocolate dance on the tongue, before sizzling to an intense fruity finish.

    Nose: Vibrant and intense aromas of ruby red fruits and warm vanilla complement the fiery bitter sweetness of cinnamon bark and the smouldering richness of devilishly dark chocolate.

    Palate: The palate bristles of light smoke with striking zesty dried peel and temperate vanilla flavour. Intoxicating spices and the sharpness of damsons entice and enchant your taste buds.

    Finish: Intensely balanced, the long, lingering sweet finish magnifies into a sizzling fruity spiciness, providing a bewitching and standout whisky to enjoy. 

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